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Mses. Theodora and Politimi Andriopoulou’ s donation for the restoration of the ancient theatre of Delphi


dt-13012011-andriopoulouIn a rare and admirable expression of love for ancient Greek culture, Mses. Theodora and Politimi Andriopoulou have donated 94.760,25 euro with the purpose of facilitating the restoration plans for the ancient theatre of Delphi, this remarkable symbol of the ancient world. Words cannot express the gratitude and appreciation for this act.

All one can say is a heartfelt “Thank You”.

No ambitious idea, no remarkable vision can be born and bloom without individual participation. The Adriopoulou sisters’ initiative leads the way to a fresh outlook in the way we show our interest for our monuments, the ways we take care of them and, essentially, the manner in which we manage and showcase our cultural heritage.

…And this is a truly invaluable contribution.