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PRESS RELEASE “Supporting Northern Evia” educational programme approved

The Ministry of Education has approved the Reconstruction Committee for Northern Evia’s proposal to implement the educational programme “Supporting Northern Evia” (Ref. No. F11/138716/D7/01-11-2021). The programme was designed in light of the recent wildfire disasters and aims to:

  • Raise students’ awareness of how valuable the natural and cultural environment is for a place and the importance of volunteering for sustainability
  • Encourage cooperation between schools in the rest of Greece and schools in Evia

The programme is also characterized by two further aspects: a) fostering a deeper understanding of matters of ecosystems and cultural heritage monument management and b) enhancing and promoting the elements that form the identity of a place.

As regards the first aspect, the emphasis is placed on the development of synergies between the schools and institutions, universities, organizations, regional forest departments, etc., so that students can acquire the necessary skills and knowledge from specialists and then undertake actions to protect both the natural and man-made environment.

As regards the second aspect, a list with indicative proposals for potential “adoptions” by the students was drawn up. These “adoptions” would allow students to get to know better and then highlight and promote the identity of their native land. Especially in Northern Evia, students can adopt wetlands, gorges, traditional occupations, local products, cultural heritage monuments, etc. The promotion could take the form of videos, posters, brochures, radio or tv information spots, mobile information museums, mobile media (banners), etc., in Greek and/or other languages.

“Supporting Northern Evia” encourages synergies between schools from other parts of Greece and schools in Northern Evia, aiming to help students become acquainted and exchange views on these issues. In this context, students can also present the initiatives and work resulting from their collaborations, either online or through in-person educational visits.

The Institute of Educational Policy (I.E.P.) will host the students’ work and initiatives on a platform specially designed for the Programme. Educators expressing an interest in implementing this programme will first need to fill out a form with their school details and, once the programme is completed, upload a press release reporting the procedure followed and accompanied by the material that has been produced.

The Regional Directorate of Education of Central Greece supports the programme, is facilitating its implementation, and, moreover, has undertaken the pedagogical, didactic, and social-economical support of the teaching community of Northern Evia.

All of us who have worked to create the “Supporting Northern Evia” educational programme declare our support for Northern Evia and that we will stand by teachers and their students so that they can dream and hope.

Mary Belogianni

Philologist, Ph.D. Archaeology