Archaeological park of Messene

Ancient Messene, the heart of Messenia’s cultural and political life for nearly ten centuries, has been lifted from oblivion through excavations and restoration work of unprecedented quality and scale. Today, it is a three-dimensional creation that converses with the environment and visitors-spectators, a future hub of the Morea Cultural Route, the beacon of a new cultural management philosophy.

Progress of Actions and Projects
Initial Planning Inclusion in a Funding Programme Infrastructure Marketing Plan - Digital Strategy Entrepreneurship Destination Management & Marketing Organisation (DMO)

The archaeological site of Messene is one of the most important monument ensembles of the region of Messinia, a site that changed the character of the region. Through its various forms, identities, and dimensions, it is first and foremost a three-dimensional creation that converses with the natural environment and citizens, visitors, and viewers.

Professor Petros Themelis has been directing the excavations at ancient Messene since 1986. Excavations continue from 1987 until today at a progressively faster pace, alongside monument restoration and maintenance works. They brought to light all of the city’s public and sacred buildings, which were seen and recorded by Pausanias when he visited Messene at the time of the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius (155-160 AD).

Currently, efforts are being made to create an archaeological park that corresponds to a more dynamic and modern approach to cultural management, as envisioned by Professor Petros Themelis.

The vehicle for the realization of this programme will be the utilization of the existing financing tools in the region: ITI, SUDP, Community-led Local Development.

The archaeological park of Messene will be a pole of attraction of the MOREA Cultural Route.

The Ecclesiasterion (Odeion) of Ancient Messene.